There have been a few different versions of The Decktet Book.

Which version do I have?

On the second page of the book, to the right of the copyright notice, there is a letter and number in a square frame. That's the version number. For example, the scrap below is from version A.2.

[version example]

Version History

version A.1, preprint draft; You only have one of these if you got it from me.

13feb2010: version A.2, first public release; only minor changes from the preprint draft:

31mar2010: version A.3, minor corrections - including:

If you have the old edition, there is an Update ($1.99). It is formatted for printing two-up on 8.5x11 paper, but it will scale gracefully to A4.

version B.1, preprint draft of the Revised and Expanded edition. You might have seen this if you were involved in editting.

30oct2011: version B.2, first public release of the Revised and Expanded edition.